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  • attention to customer needs and future expectations in order to obtain customer loyalty and increase the customer portfolio;

  • compliance with legislative/regulatory requirements and provisions;

  • continuous improvement of processes and control and monitoring activities;

  • monitoring of business processes aimed at evaluating performance and identifying possible improvement actions;

  • constant monitoring and evaluation of risks and opportunities related to company activities, with consequent implementation of any necessary actions:

  • training and involvement of company resources in relation to the implementation of new activities, processes or other initiatives;

  • involvement of interested parties (employees, customers, suppliers, collaborators, public institutions, associations) with the aim of safeguarding the quality of products and services offered.


  • prevention of accidents and occupational diseases, through safety training, information, carrying out checks on the activities carried out, the use and monitoring of the required PPE, the correct management of dangerous substances;

  • provision of suitable means and equipment for the safe performance of activities, both at the offices and at the construction sites;

  • maintaining a healthy and safe working environment;

  • guarantee of control and monitoring, through audits carried out by the RSPP;

  • decent and respectful working conditions and supervision methods;

  • health surveillance required by current legislation in compliance with the tasks performed;

  • unacceptability of behaviors or habits that may facilitate the violation of safety and hygiene regulations in the workplace;

  • involvement of interested parties (employees, customers, suppliers, collaborators, public institutions, associations) with the aim of safeguarding safety and health.


  • environmental protection, minimising the environmental impact due to the performance of its activities;

  • correct and effective waste management;

  • maximum reuse of materials;

  • involvement of interested parties (employees, customers, suppliers, collaborators, public institutions, associations) with the aim of safeguarding the environment.


  • prohibition of the use of child and infant labor in the production of any product or in the provision of any service;

  • respect for all workers on an equal basis; rigorously excluding any type of disciplinary practice and/or regulation that is detrimental to human dignity;

  • prohibition of irregular work, personnel without a regular residence permit or contractual forms not permitted by current legislation;

  • compliance with the Italian legal system, non-use of personnel hiring procedures that are discriminatory based on race, class, nationality, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, membership of trade unions or political parties;

  • protection and guarantee of workers' rights - in accordance with the Italian legal and constitutional system and with the current regulations on health and safety at work - connected to race, class, nationality, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, membership of trade unions or political parties;

  • prohibition of behaviors, gestures, languages that are offensive to the person and individual dignity or aimed at exploitation;

  • use of remuneration policies proportionate to the quantitative and qualitative level of the work performed and which, in any case, do not differ from the national or territorial contracts stipulated by the most representative trade union organisations at national level.

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